美国的专利制度一直被称为是“晃动的钟摆”,一会拥护专利一会反专利。而毫无疑问,在AIA之后,由于“专利杀手”——双方复审程序(IPR)程序的出现,加上Alice案对软件专利的冲击,现如今,钟摆已经晃向了“反专利”的一边(swing to anti-patent)。
IPR,Inter Partes Review,中文翻译为多方复审程序或者双方复审程序,是美国专利法修改(AIA)后用于无效美国专利的利器。根据USPTO官方数据,截止目前已经收到超过3900项IPR请求,截止到2015年12月31日,共有2447项请求被处置,而其中有732项被完全审结(472项在审理过程中终止)。在完全审结的732项中,权利要求被全部无效的比例为72%,而部分无效的比例为15%。也就是说,完全审结的IPR程序中,无效成功率高达87%。
极高的专利无效成功率对所有美国企业都带来了不小的影响,其中影响最大的是三类公司:Patent troll(NPE);反Patent troll的高科技公司(例如Google和三星);以及希望专利稳定性越强越好的大型医药、生物化学公司(例如由于转基因技术在天朝臭名昭著的Monsanto)。
本案的主角Cuozzo Speed Technologies就是一个以专利授权为主业的专利流氓,2012年6月15日,Cuozzo Speed Technologies向新泽西州联邦地区法院提起诉讼,状告台湾国际航电Garmin公司和克莱斯勒公司侵犯了其US6,778,074的专利权。
1.Whether the court of appeals erred in holding that, in IPR proceedings, the [PatentTrial and Appeal] Board may construe claims in an issued patent according totheir broadest reasonable interpretation rather than their plain and ordinary meaning?翻译成大白话:PTAB是类法院性质的审理组织,凭什么地区法院在无效专利程序中对权利要求的解释采用的是「POM 普通字面解释」原则,而PTAB而使用的是更容易“杀死”专利的「BRI 最宽泛合理解释」原则?
2.Whether thecourt of appeals erred in holding that, even if the [Patent Trial and Appeal] Board exceeds its statutory authority in instituting an IPR proceeding, the Board’s decision whether to institute an IPR proceeding is judicially unreviewable?翻译成大白话:PTAB对IPR的启动具有最终决定权,这是不是超出他们理应拥有的权力范围了?
「[Y]ou could look at this new law as you [Cuozzo] were looking at it, as trying to build a little court proceeding. If I thought it was just doing that, I would say you were right. But there is another way to look at it. And the other way to look at it . . . is that there are these things, for better words, let's call them patent trolls, and that the -- the Patent Office has been issuing billions of patents that shouldn't have been issued -- I overstate -- but only some. . . . And so what we're trying to do with this process is to tell the office, you've been doing too much too fast. Go back and let people who are hurt by this come in and get rid of those patents that shouldn't have issued. . . . If it's that second purpose, then I would think, well, maybe this is right, what they [the PTAB] are doing」
Breyer大法官还用隐喻来暗示Cuozzo的专利在一开始就不应该被授权,他认为利用红色或者别的颜色来指示汽车超速,就像给汉堡小摊(hot dog stand)换个外观一样(简单)。
而Roberts大法官则刚好相反,他认为IPR程序确实是专利局程序混杂了地区法院特性的一种混合体「a hybrid entity with characteristics of the PTO and the district court」,并表示通过两种不同的程序去强调同一个问题,然而却得到不同的结果,这在法律文化中也是很奇怪的事情,他用的两个词组分别是「extraordinary animal」和「bizarre way」:
「So why -- why should we be so wedded to the way they do business in the PTO with respect to the broadest possible construction when the -- the point is not to replicate PTO procedures. It's supposed to take the place of district court procedures…it's a very extraordinary animal in legal culture to have two different proceedings addressing the same question that lead to different results…It just seems to me that that's a bizarre way to conduct legal -- decide a legal question」
「Aren't those tools used in determining the broadest -- the broadest reasonable reading, meaning how can the PTO decide what a broad reasonable reading is unless it looks at all those factors and decides that the specifications and all the other things don't cure, continue to provide ambiguity in the patent?」
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